116 Year Old Newspaper Found in Dining chairs?! Upholstery Then & Now …

I had no idea how old these chairs were when I first picked them up from a sale. But by the time I got to the fourth layer of fabric, I had an idea they were pretty ancient! Antique chairs upholstery2This job was pretty ferrel! Look at those layers of dirt and dust sitting between the boards and throughout all the stuffing!Antique chairs upholstery1I took them outside next to our wheelie bin – this was a “wear a mask” type project for all the dust.Antique chairs upholstery26And it was here that we began to discover all kinds of treasures!Antique chairs upholstery9Bits of leather and other fabrics, hessian, horse hair, whatever they could find to stuff it with at the time, including scrunched up paper, newspapers, receipts, cardboard, envelopes. Check it out:Antique chairs upholstery5This is an envelope with an address written in an ink quill by the looks of it.Antique chairs upholstery6Look at this vintage ticking fabric, possibly from an old bed sheet? or a curtain?Antique chairs upholstery31Newspaper scrunched up with twine:Antique chairs upholstery14An old invoice or receipt. Words include:

___ Chambers, ___thurst, Street, Sydney; Uphols[tery]; Cabinet Making; Best Materials.Antique chairs upholstery15 Antique chairs upholstery18“The Importance of Eyesight … Byrie Bros., Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto (advertisement).Antique chairs upholstery19“The Evening News, published by the News Printing Co., Limited, WM. Douglas, Manager and Editor.

“Toronto, Thursday, May 25 … Canada Has Caught On …

“As the reign of Queen Victoria draws to a close, … ” – YES, my friends this newspaper is from the year 1899!!
Antique chairs upholstery20 Antique chairs upholstery21I flipped it over to find the year here:

Thursday, May 25, 1899 – can you believe how old this is and still in tact?!

How many backsides have sat on this chair containing all these treasures for over 116 years!!Antique chairs upholstery23I am assuming by the article on this side of the paper, that the upholsterer who stuffed the chair had kept this clipping about “Bargains in … & Homefurnishings” (see also below article on Nottingham Lace Curtains)

I am also assuming this is a Canadian newspaper.Antique chairs upholstery24Look how white this cardboard still is after all these years stuffed in this seat! Part of a box for Barber’s Swing Strops. Oil.Antique chairs upholstery25I’ll leave you with a sneak peek of the restoration in progress for now.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the story of these century old chairs …Antique chairs upholstery 21

Find out how these beauties turned out in PART TWO blog post here.

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Happy painting …


We are authorised retailers for Fusion Mineral Paint and Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint in Australia. This blog post may contain affiliate links.

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  • Reply
    Maggie Kerr
    August 9, 2015 at 9:25 am

    What a find Sharon,frame them a keep them with the chair,great history of the chair

    • Reply
      August 14, 2015 at 8:08 pm

      Great idea Maggie. I was thinking it would be great to have them kept together. Another friend suggested framing them too. I will try find a way of doing that. Great piece of history.

  • Reply
    116 Year Old Dining Chairs - Part 2 - Milk Paint Finish
    August 19, 2015 at 1:45 pm

    […] treasures we found in these antique dining chairs, including newspaper clippings from 1899!! Click HERE to see Part 1 and all the treasures we found. These chairs were riddled with upholstery nails and […]

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