Tick Tock, Here’s a Table Clock!

Clock Table

A Sweet Little Table

The table above began like this … don’t you love that cast iron stand!?

The top was well worn and weathered, so it needed a quick sanding down with my orbital Sander.

Choosing a stencil

I was about to organise our first Farmhouse Clock workshop and had received our workshop stencils a couple of weeks ago, but I hadn’t really thought about using it on my newly acquired table until my daughter came in and made the suggestion. I was leaning toward our Coffee Stencil or the Antiques & Collectibles stencils across the centre or even randomly to one side like I have been doing lately. But the clock stencil fit perfectly, so away I went …

Clock stencil

Then I thought I’d give it a white wash look using watered down Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint – I mixed 3 parts water to 1 part Farmhouse White colour. You can see the difference it made to the orange look of the pine, giving it more of a rustic, Farmhouse style.

Clock stencil

I also painted the cast iron base in Farmhouse White – equal parts paint to water. It covered really well in just two coats.

I sanded for a little distressed look and voila! This was an easy makeover.

Learning to tell time

I decided it would be more fun to create your own clock hands using cutlery on the table, than to stencil some on! What do you think? Wouldn’t that make a fun learning lesson for the kids?

Introducing our new Clock Making Workshop

I also created a prototype for our Clock making workshop coming up on the 22nd July, so if you’re in the Brisbane, Logan areas in Queensland, Australia, book in quick because there are limited spaces available! We’d love to have you here.

Farmhouse ClockClock workshop

If you liked this post, please feel free to use this graphic below to pin to your pinterest boards:table clock

We are authorised retailers for Fusion Mineral Paint and Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint in Australia. This blog post may contain affiliate links.

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  • Reply
    June 9, 2017 at 5:18 am

    Hello! Are you going to make you clock stencil available for purchase?
    Thank you!

    • Reply
      June 11, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      Hi Mary, I’m in Australia, and here, it is not available for purchase at this stage. I have the 3 workshop set stencils for using as a workshop set where I teach how to make a Farmhouse Clock.

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