Choosing Milk Paint Colours

Colour of the month chart

This page is dedicated to help you choose the right colours for your next MMSMP project. You’ll find colour charts and collages of inspirational pieces painted in each of the available colours.

When you are ready to purchase a product, you can click on the product tab in the menu bar at any time, and head to the Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint product selection.

European Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Colours:

Mora-Collagemarzipan-Collage arabesque-collagebergere-collagelaylas-mint-collageSchloss-Collage

Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Colours:
Outback PetticoatFarmhouse WhiteEulalies SkyFlow BlueFrench EnamelGrain SackIronstoneKitchen ScaleLinenLuckett's GreenMustard Seed YellowShutter GrayTricycletrophy-1024x1024TypewriterArtissimoBoxwoodCurioApron StringsDried Lavender

Colour Chart:

This colour chart features the “Colours of the Month” Milk Paint colours that we feature each month. You could print this out so you know when we’ll be showcasing these colours, and receive 10% off that month on the selected colours of the month.

Colour of the month chart

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