Updating my Christmas Wreath

Our Christmas wreath for our front door has been around for a LONG time … I’m talking, since our kids were little and our oldest is now 18! We were pulling out decorations this week and I took a look at that thing and had a chuckle. It sure has seen its day and is looking drab and weary. I forgot to take a before pic of the front, but here is the back, so you can see what I’ve done differently.wreath 2

I had just finished painting my Aunty’s cabinet (I’ll blog about this one soon). The outside is a bluish white.

Before I could even think about grabbing my camera for a “before” pic of the wreath, I grabbed that thing and started literally “cleaning my brush” on its greenery. The results were lovely!wreath 1

Now, I have a snow tipped wreath, and I can work on a little bit of decoration to replace the dreary ribbons & holly berry that have seen better days.

Adairs – Big Xmas Sale

Here is the little decoration that has been there for years … I removed this.IMG_5734And added this:IMG_5728Looking much fresher for this season!IMG_5730

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